Open up "Windows Firewall with Advances Security"

Windows: Type here to search

Enter: Windows Firewall with Advanced Security


Left > Top = Click on Inbound Rules

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > 

Inbound Rules

Right > Top = Click on New Rule

Inbound Rules > 

New Rule...

What type of rule would you like to create?

Choose = Custom

Click Next

Does this rule apply to all programs or a specific program?

Choose = All programs

Click Next

To which ports and protocols does this rule apply?

Choose = Any

Click Next

Which local IP addresses does this rule apply to?

Choose = Any IP address

What action should be taken when a connection matches the specified conditions?

Choose = Block the connection

When does this rule apply?

Choose = Domain, Private, Public

Click Next


Anything! (Block Inbound Traffic)


Left > Top = Click on Outbound Rules

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > 

Outbound Rules

Right > Top = Click on New Rule

Outbound Rules > 

New Rule...

What type of rule would you like to create?

Choose = Custom

Click Next

Does this rule apply to all programs or a specific program?

Choose = All programs

Click Next

What action should be taken when a connection matches the specified conditions?

Choose = Allow the connection

Click Next

When does this rule apply?

Choose = Domain, Private, Public

Click Next


Anything! (Allow outbound Traffic)



Uninstall the program unnecessary

Windows: Type here to search

Enter: Uninstall

Choose: Change or remove a program

Uninstall all (Program) except the (Product Registration) or Minimum (Program) installed on your computer.




Use: Comodo




Use: TinyWall


Use: McAfee Security Scan Plus


Remember: Pin to Start firewall Tinywall and McAfee Security Scan Plus

so it auto start.

Windows: Type here to search

Enter: Tinywall Controller

Point the mouse to Tinywall Controller from Menu 

Right Click

Choose: Pin to Start

Make sure click on the TinyWall icon and then click on Elevate this feature help alot and then Change Mode/click on Red Icon (Allow only outgoing)

* Sometime start up your computer the Tinywall is not On, so you can not connect to internet.

Start up Tinywall

Windows: Type here to search

Enter: Tinywall

Double click on TinyWall Controller



Open up "Task Manager"

Windows: Type here to search

Enter: Task Manager

Point the mouse to Task Manager from Menu 

Right Click

Choose: Pin to taskbar

Open up Task Manager everytime login to computer will help protect files on computer screen.



Create Visitor User

Open up "Command Prompt (Admin)"

Right-click Command prompt, and then click Run as administrator


Right-click on Start button, and then click Command Prompt (Admin)

Run commands:

Command: net user Visitor /add /active:yes

Type the following command to remove the new user account from the default Users group and press Enter:

Command:  net localgroup users Visitor /delete

Type the following command to add the new user account to the Guests user group and press Enter:

Command: net localgroup guests Visitor /add


Use Visitor for most security.

You have to setup the password for the Administrator Account but you don't need the password for the Visitor Account.


Open up "Command Prompt (Admin)"

Right-click Command prompt, and then click Run as administrator


Right-click on Start button, and then click Command Prompt (Admin)

Run commands: net user Visitor /delete

Alway login to computer with Visitor, if you need to access into computer with Administrator. Make sure you turn off completely the wifi on your computer.

Just reinstall Windows operating system after few months of use to avoid hackers connecting the application and breaking the setup of the windows softwares.

Firewalling & DDoS Mitigation

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DDoS Security Solutions

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DDoS Protection | Instant Activation | 3-Second

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Stop DDoS Attacks - with Shape Security

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Control Plane Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Protection

DDoS Protection Service: DDoS Shield

Denial of Service Protection

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Anti DDOS Protection - Networking and Security

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DDoS Mitigation and Protection Services

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24/7 DDoS experts

DDoS Protection Services - Future-proof your network.

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Real-Time DDoS Protection - Real-Time DDOS Protection

Stop DDoS Attacks - with Shape Security

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Applicative DDoS Protection - Real-Time Bot Protection

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How DDoS Protection Works

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Automated DDoS Protection

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Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack Protection

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DDoS Defense | Are You Protected From Attack?

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7 Proven Tactics To Prevent DDoS Attacks

Denial-of-service attack

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